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CMHC Nursing Services Productivity Project


The project included nursing services across the community mental health center, consisting of 8 – 12 nurses, rotating through 13 locations.  The Director of Healthcare Integration wanted to increase billing and productivity, while also impacting the quality of care being provided to clients.


I utilized production reports from the medical record to establish each nurse’s baseline monthly production rate and the total hours monthly for nursing services.  I met with the nursing staff to establish their daily, weekly and monthly tasks to assess time management, workload, skillset and knowledge base. I then met with each director to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing in meeting program needs and to gather feedback regrading increased production and quality of care standards. 


  1. Nurses billing increased 72% from July of FY2020 to September of FY2021

  2. Nurses reported increased confidence in documenting and billing. 

  3. Internal audit errors decreased by 76%

  4. Completed baseline assessments on all residential residents for the first time and established a process for new incoming residents. 

  5. Increased client contact and engagement which improved the coordination of client care regarding physical health needs. 

Community Blitz 


A rural behavioral health clinic wanted to establish primary care physicians in their area to allow for better transitions in care for clients. 


I met with the office nurse to establish expected outcomes before creating an action plan, including a list of providers she wanted to target. I then created all educational materials the nurse reviewed with providers during their meetings. The nurse spent a four hour window visiting eight different providers. 


  1. Provided eight primary care physicians with information on services provided by the clinic. 

  2. Established three providers that were taking new clients and the requirements for new patients. 

  3. Identified one physician who only serves the elderly population. 

  4. Improved coordination of care for clients with physical health needs. 

Employee Onboarding


A residential program wanted to streamline their new hires training to allow new hires to obtain billing status within the first three months of employment. 


I reviewed the current onboarding process and identified a need to develop the training and implement a timeline for new hires to obtain billing status within three months. 


  1. Elevated staff competency by increasing training initiatives within the onboarding process.

  2. After implementation all new hires obtained billing status in less than three months.

  3. Increased billing productivity across new hires.

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